The Internet Poetry Archive


C. J. Dennis

Well (said the small, meek man) we look for change
   In this sad world, for these are stirring days;
And men pin hopes to methods new and strange
   And see lost happiness thro' altered ways.
And I, who many a bitter cup have quaffed,
Hailed with delight this cult of Fathercraft.

But (said the small, meek man) I've scanned the rules
   And studied well all that this author says,
Oh, I have pinned such faith to modern schools,
   Hoping one day to see a great light blaze.
And now, it seems, I'm rather at a loss;
For all I glean is that the wife should be boss.

If (said the small, meek man) yielding one's pay,
   Yielding one's will, seems new to Fathercraft,
And letting woman have her own sweet way;
   Then (said the small, meek man) the author's daft!
I had such hopes! But, far as I can see,
Things go on in the same old way. Ah, me!

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