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Lola Ridge





Trailblazing poet and social activist, Lola Ridge was born in Dublin, Ireland, on December 12, 1873. Ridge was destined to make her mark on the world through her impassioned and thought-provoking verse.

Lola Ridge's early life was marked by a spirit of adventure and wanderlust. After her parents' separation, she moved with her mother to New Zealand, where she spent her formative years. The allure of new horizons eventually led Ridge to the United States, where she established herself as a prominent figure in New York's literary scene.

Ridge's poetry, deeply influenced by her experiences and encounters with social inequality, resonated with readers through its stark imagery and visceral emotion. A passionate advocate for social justice, Ridge used her verse to challenge the status quo and give voice to the struggles of marginalized communities. Her debut collection, "The Ghetto and Other Poems" (1918), is a testament to her commitment to these ideals, as it vividly portrays the lives of immigrants in New York City's Lower East Side.

Throughout her career, Ridge produced numerous collections, including "Sun-Up and Other Poems" (1920), "Red Flag" (1927), and "Firehead" (1929), each showcasing her unwavering dedication to social and political issues. Her poetry, characterized by its vivid imagery, bold themes, and empathetic voice, continues to inspire readers and fellow poets alike.


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