Welcome to the Internet Poetry ArchiveHome to one of the web's biggest collections of original and classic poetry.Here, you'll find biographies and poems from many of history's most legendary masters of language, ranging from Shakespeare to Keats, and from Bronte to Whitman. Being an Australian website, we also feature the work of classic Aussie bush balladeers, such as A.B. "Banjo" Paterson, Henry Lawson and Dorothea Mackellar. Furthermore, to encourage the expression of contemporary writers, we accept submissions from present-day poets who are pushing written expression into new and exciting directions. These pages are filled with motivational, romantic and inspirational words, that are sure to impress even the most ardent critics. To begin your journey of discovery, explore our rich archive of poetic works below: [ Browse Classic Poetry by Title ] [ Browse Original Poetry by Title ] [ Other Online Poetry Resources ] CALLING ALL POETS: Have your own work featured within our Original Works section! This site and all contents (except individual poetic works) are copyright 2000-2025 Curiosity Cave Pty Ltd. |